Siti Pitriyah (1209204122), Siti Wiwi Rachmah (1209204124), Tati Nurhasanah (1209204130),
Yayat Nurhayati (1209204141), Yesi Trisna Mariyana (1209204142)
Lecturer: Predari Siswayani, M.Pd.

Cell-phone is a device that can connect us with telephone calls or messages over the radio link. Almost people in the world use cell-phone to communicate with the others, as noticed in one data, the number of cell phone users has increased rapidly. As in 2010, there were more than 303 million subscribers of cell phone service in the United States, according to the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association. This is a nearly threefold increase from the 110 million users in 2000. Globally, the number of cell phone subscriptions is estimated by the International Telecommunications Union to be 5 billion.
Contrary,  some of them are not aware to the dangerous effects of using cell-phone. So, in this paper we want to remind the people the effects of cell-phone radiation for our health because each cell-phone uses electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range that led people to health problems. Many scientific studies have investigated possible health problems of mobile phone radiation. One of the effects of cell-phone radiation on human health is cancer. Most of people do not know why the cell-phone radiation causes cancer. Therefore, this paper will discuss about the reasons why cell-phone radiation causes cancer.
There are two reasons why cell-phone radiation causes cancer. First, cell-phone emits radiofrequency energy (radio wave) that can be absorbed by brain. Radiofrequency energy is a form of electromagnetic radiation and divided into two types, those are ionizing (for example cosmic rays, radon, and X-rays) and non-ionizing (for example radiofrequency and high frequency or low frequency). Based on one source, the radiofrequency energy that has been exposed depends on the technology of the cell-phone, the distance between the phone’s antenna and the user, the extent and type of use, and the user’s distance from cell phone towers. Telecommunication equipments and devices are common exposures radiofrequency energy. In the United States, cell phones currently operate in a frequency range of about 1,800 to 2,200 megahertz (MHz). In this range, the electromagnetic radiation is produced in the form of non-ionizing radiofrequency energy. Among other radiofrequency energy sources, AM/FM radios and VHF/UHF televisions operate at lower radio frequencies than cell phones, whereas sources such as radar, satellite stations, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) devices, industrial equipment, and microwave ovens operate at somewhat higher radio frequencies.
Second reason is long duration using on cell-phone. This year, The Journal of the American Medical Association reported on research from the National Institutes of Health, which found that less than an hour of cell-phone use can speed up brain activity in the area closest to the phone antenna. This research also explain a potential, albeit hypothetical and explanation of how the low levels of nonionizing radiation cause harm without breaking chemical bonds and enable to trigger the formation of free radicals or the inflammatory response in the brain. An independent series of studies led by Swedish cancer specialist Dr. Lennart Hardell studies included more patients who had used a cell phone for ten years or longer and without financial support from the wireless industry. The findings show that the more hours of cellular phone use over time, the risk of brain tumor will be higher. Risk also increases because the level of power from the wireless device, years since we use the cell-phone firstly, totals exposure, and younger age when starting wireless phone use.
Cell-phone radiation is very dangerous for us. Therefore, there is a solution to avoid cell-phone radiation that is using cellguard TM. Now, you do not worry about the cell-phone radiation because there is a cellguard TM which protect your phone.   A New Zealand company research has found a solution to decrease the damages of cell-phone radiation while you are using the cell-phone. Cellguard TM phone card is the form of a small card that has function to prevent the radiation emission from cell-phone and has benefit to reduce the heating in the head area when the people using their cell-phone.
In conclusion, cell-phone radiation causes health problems and one of the problems is cancer. One of the causes cancer is  long term using cell-phone. Consequently, our body absurb some of radiofrequency wave that harm our health. We suggest to search or read other sources concerning this material, in order that, we will be more aware of the dangerous of cell-phone radiation and can live well.

REFERENCES (Accessed on Wednesday, February 29th 2012, 11.11 AM) (Accessed on Wednesday, February 29th 2012, 11.13 AM) (Accessed on Wednesday, February 29th 2012, 11.15 AM)

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