Sumardi (1209 204 128), Susan Nur Aqidah (1209 204 129), Uni Filarika (1209 204 135), Wardah Mardiathussolihah (1209 204 135), Risal Gantizar Gifari (206 200 587)
Violence at High School Degree
School violence is widely held to have become a serious problem in recent decades in many countries. Violence can happen anywhere especially in education institution. As we know that violence is part of schools day. We have to know how to anticipate, because it can affect for themselves. Cheating during examination, engage in gang fight, and bullying to junior class are examples of many violence which happened at high school. The purposes of this writing to limit violence action particularly at school degree and can create good attitude for student in education institution and society life.
One types of violence at high school is cheating. The most common type of cheating for student is looking at another student’s paper during an examination. Some students will bring to cheat sheets, which
contain answer to exam question or notes. The other example of violence high school is engage in gang fight. They prefer to solve problems with violence or fight. Students prefer to involve their friends who they call them as “gang ” always defend and will help in fight always engages in first fight. Today a lot of students at high school carry deadly weapons to the school for their fight such as guns, knives, and clubs are a major cause of serious injuries and death among them. They usually fight after go home from school. Bullying to junior class is one type of violence in high school. It makes type of request with forceful method; make junior student under pressure and make an illegal request that unknown by the other (e.g. teachers and their friends). For example, if the junior students have something that interested in the senior, whether they are just walking alone at the school’s lane, in surprised victim by appear instantly and force them to fulfill their interests, even by requesting some amount of moneyThere are some reasons for students to do violence at school environment. In a big picture, the students do not have enough understanding of moral and religion values and doing reckless instead of good deeds, so it has an impact to their attitude produced bad behavior that equal to trigger their bad deeds. For the other reason is students’ environment, it can influence the students’ attitude. If they live at bad environment like free style or they usually communicate with drug users, they will usually do too. Because of as teenager, their curiosity is high. The last reason is students’ low financial factor. Economy difficulties force some people to do crime like steal, because they have to buy books, school needs or fulfill their glamour life style and it relates with the third first point that explained about bullying to junior class.
Many ways can solve violence at high school such as giving educated punishment. For example, when students do violence, they have to learn certain vocabulary and cleaning school’s rest room, moreover the parent and teachers’ caring have a big role for the student to prevent their bad behavior. Besides that, a school counseling service will be more useful to understand students’ feeling and their understanding to face their own problems. Because students’ counseling service must be appropriate and eligible to approach student’s thought. The last, to avoid financial problems in students‘ society, it will be better to develop students’ ability in their entrepreneurship experience. For the conclusion of this literature that the violence at school has to do be anticipated and do not let it grow, because it will affect to the students behavior especially when they are in society life.

http://www.hoe consequencescheatingschool.html
http://www.causeof schoolviolence.html
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makasih banyak atas semua info nya ,,,,,,
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