Ririn Suriptianingsih 1209204106, Siti Nurjanah 1209204121, Teny Riantika 1209204131, Thia Sholihah 1209204132, Kahfi Bahrul Ulum 208203680
Dehydration is a condition that occurs when the loss of body fluids, mostly water, exceeds the amount that is taken in. That condition closely relate with our daily life. We do not often realize about that condition because we may be too busy on our activities. It may become serious problems. Why is dehydration such a great problems for us? These are several reasons for it. We will explain more about the reason of dehydration in this writing.
As we know that dehydration happen because there is too much water lost, not enough water taken in, or most often a combination of the two. Here, many conditions may cause rapid and continued fluid losses and lead to dehydration:
The first cause of dehydration is diarrhea. Diarrhea is the most common reason for a person to lose excess amounts of water. A significant amount of water can be lost with each bowel movement. Worldwide, more than four million children die each year because of dehydration from diarrhea.
The second reason for dehydration is vomiting. Vomiting can also be a cause of fluid loss. It loses in the vomits, but it is difficult for a person to replace water by drinking it if they have nausea and are unable to tolerate liquids.
The third cause is sweat. The body can lose significant amounts of water when it tries to cool itself by sweating. Whether the body is hot because of the environment (for example, working in a warm environment), intense exercising in a hot environment, or because a fever is present due to an infection; the body uses water in the form of sweat to cool itself. Depending upon weather conditions, a brisk walk may generate up to 16 ounces of sweat (a pound of water) to allow body cooling, and that water needs to be replaced by the thirst mechanism signaling the person to drink fluids.
Next cause is diabetes. People with diabetes, elevated blood sugar levels cause sugar to spill into the urine and water then follows, which may cause significant dehydration. For this reason, frequent urination and excessive thirst are among the early symptoms of diabetes.
The sixth cause of dehydration is burns. The skin acts as a protective barrier for the body and is also responsible for regulating fluid loss. Burn victims become dehydrated because the damaged skin cannot prevent fluid from seeping out of the body. Other inflammatory diseases of the skin are also associated with fluid loss.
The last cause of dehydration is Inability to drink fluids. The inability to drink adequately is the other potential cause of dehydration. Whether it is the lack of availability of water, intense nausea with or without vomiting, or the lack of strength to drink, this, coupled with routine or extraordinary water losses can compound the degree of dehydration.
Dehydration has negative effects on our body, both of physical and cognitive. The earliest research in 2010 comes from Dr. Luciana with USA nutrition experts, Lawrence E. Armstrong, PhD and Harris R. Lieberman, PhD. The research showed that dehydration gives negative effect to work level, cognitive, and mood.
First effect, based on that result from physical ability side, if we got 0,5% deficiency of water, it will disturb heart’s work; 1% deficiency of water will decrease body stamina; 3% deficiency of water will decrease muscle endurance; 4% deficiency of water will debilitate muscle power muscle ability, and effected heat cramp; 5% deficiency of water will effected thirsty, muscle bound, descent ability of mental, 6% deficiency of water will effected physical exhaustion, heatstroke, and coma.
Second effects by cognitive side are 1,5% of man who dehydration caused hard concentration and exhaustion. While woman more quickly got negative dehydration effect when got 1,3% dehydration and caused exhaustion, angry, confusion, feel sleepy, lost concentration, dizzy, and difficult to finishing assignment.
Consciously or not, dehydration can attack whoever, both of child or adult. Therefore, we should always aware of our condition, because dehydration can cause negative effect on our health.
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