The controversy of scientific journal as one of requirement of graduation (by 6th Group)

Sari Wulandari  12092041414, Shadam Hussaeni 1209204115, Siti D. Rahmi 1209204117, Sri Endah Oktaviani 1209204125, Weni Warohmah 1209204140
 The controversy of scientific journal as one of requirement of graduation
Student should make a thesis before they graduate from college; it is a main requirement of graduation. In recent time the minister of education, Muhamad Nuh stated that student who studies at college or university should make a paper and it should be published at scientific journal as a new requirement of graduation. This new policy attracts most educators’ attention; there were some opinion about it either agreement or disagreement.
Kemendiknas (ministry of education) published circular letter (Surat Edaran) No 152/E/T/2012 (27 of January, 2012), it informed all universities that there was a new policy as a new requirement of graduation.
It contained the reason why this policy applied to student and three categories student who should apply this policy. The first category is undergraduate student, they should make a paper for publishing at scientific journal, the secon category is magister program, they should make a paper for publishing at accredited scientific journal by Dikti and the last category is doctoral program, they should make a paper for publishing at international scientific journal. The reasons why this policy should be applied by universities in Indonesia, it’s because the quantity of scientific journal in Indonesia was lower than Malaysia and the other Asian Country. It would be applied since August of 2012; Minister of education Muhammad Nuh stated that student had studied at college for four years and scientific journal would reflect what they had got as they had studied at college.
There are some educators who agreed with this policy, it was revealed by one of head of Padjadjaran University, Prof. Tarkus Suganda, he stated that “this policy will increase the quality and quantity of scientific journal whether accredited or no accredited. Moreover there are no difficulties to make a paper for scientific journal because its part of thesis and scientific journal can be indicator of quality of education in Indonesia.”
The second is student of Gajah Mada University of magister program said that “this policy will motivate student to write a scientific paper and enrich scientific references.” The third is according to R. Dachroni as head of KAMMI in Riau, this policy was good for student because it would make student expert on writing. The fourth is Jusman Dale, he is an economist, he stated that “this policy will make student graduate not instantly and it increase intellectual stimulation at college or universities.” The fifth is Head of Atmajaya university, Lanny Pandjaitan
(Republika,2012) stated that this policy was not clear either the explanation or the way to make it. If the explanation was clear, this would be good for student and avoid plagiarism. The sixth is Dean of law faculty Muhammadiyah University of South Sumatera (UMSU) Farid Wajdi stated that this policy would increase the opportunities of sell off thesis. The seventh is Bambang Sudibyo, ex-Minister of Education stated that he agreed this policy was applied for magister program and doctoral program not for undergraduate (first degree).  The eight is Head of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University, Prof. Sholeh Hidayat stated that he could not applied this policy this year because the university had limited scientific journal for her accommodating paper of students, he said that there are 1.600 student who is graduated every year and scientific journal at university could not accommodate student’s paper. The last is Head of State Islamic Institute Sultan Maulana Hasanudin Banten, Prof. Syibly Sarjaya stated that he could not apply this policy because, the university had limited scientific journal and there are 1.000 students who is graduated every year.
Some of student and lecturer didn’t agree with this policy, their reasons were it would increase the responsibilities of student before graduation, and it would increase the list of student who got any difficulties on their graduation even though they had done the subject and their subject for thesis. Moreover making a good paper for published at scientific journal is not easy. Rohmani, member of Komisi X DPR RI (Republika, 2012), said that “this policy is premature because the preparation was still lack and it would increase deviation.” This policy wouldn’t be applied before the quality of learning was increasing, the purpose of this policy is not clear and it should be discussed with other educator. In addition, the differences academic condition in each university should be considered. Student is under compulsion to make a paper, they will not make it by their selves and the quality of their paper would not be good. The last, there are 3.150 universities disagreed with this policy, they had reasons which is same as most of statement above.
We thought that this policy could be applied if Ministry of Education had explained it well, and they have prepared the infrastructure which would support the policy applied, such as increasing scientific journal at each college before the policy was in effect to student at university. This policy will increase the quality of education in Indonesia but before it is applied; Kemendiknas (ministry of education) should discuss it with educator such as head of university, lecturer and also student because they will practice this policy.
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