-Siti Hardianti Rukmana 1209204119 -Sri Hartati 1209204126 -Vivi Novitasari 1209204138 -Zakiyah 1209204144 -Zia Arija1209 204 145
Juvenile are they who age 13-18 years old. They passed the childhood, but have not been adult yet. On the other hand, juvenile is the transition term between childhood and adult. At that time, they often undergo many experiences both good and bad. According to Wikipedia, juvenile delinquency, also known as juvenile offending or youth crime, is participation in illegal behavior by minors (juveniles) who fall under a statutory age limit. Most legal systems prescribe specific procedures for dealing with juveniles, such as juvenile detention centers, and courts. A juvenile delinquent is a person who is typically under the age of 18 and commits an act that considering as a crime. Because the world of juvenile is interesting and important, this paper will discuss about the causes and the effects of juvenile delinquencies around us.
In recent time, juvenile delinquency is not a strange thing anymore. All people over the world have known that today many juveniles are involved in delinquency. There are a number of delinquencies, such as involved in motorcycle gangster, violent crimes, drugs abuse, and even free sexual activity. Those are serious problem that should be ruined because it can cause another problem if it is permitted to happen.
Today, motorcycle gangster has not been a new hot issue anymore. Many cases about motorcycle gangster are reported in any mass media, as REPUBLIKA February 27th, 2012 said that policemen in Pekanbaru chased 30 members of motorcycle gangster who destroyed the police station. That kind of delinquency is one of people worried because they usually attack innocent people, destroy public facilities and make a riot or fight.
Another case of juvenile delinquency is drug abuse. According to Depkes RI report, January 1st until December 30th, 2007, number of HIV’s and AIDS’s ails is 927 (24%) for HIV and 2.947 (76%) for AIDS, 3.847 cases of HIV and AIDS with 500 death cases. The cumulative data manifests the ails of HIV and AIDS 1st of July, 1987 until 30th of December, 2007 reported 17.207 cases: 11.141 AIDS cases (64,7%) and 6.066 HIV cases (35,3%). The data shows in the following table and chart.
NO. | SEX | AIDS | IDU (Injecting Drug User) |
1 | Male | 8.864 | 5.170 |
2 | Female | 2.215 | 347 |
3 | Unknown | 62 | 38 |
Summary | 11.141 | 5.555 |

Source: Direktorat Jenderal PPM & PL Departemen Kesehatan RI, March 2008
Beside those cases above, another data shows the cases of BKBN, there are 2.000.000 abortion cases each year in Indonesia. That means 2.000.000 souls are killed each year cruelly. A number of death caused by abortion cases are more than death caused by traffic accident, world war victims, or diseases.
So, why do juvenile delinquencies happen? There are two factors that causes of juvenile delinquency; internal factors that come from juvenile itself and external factors that come from outside or environment. Crisis of identity and lack of self control can be the internal factors of juvenile delinquency’s causes, while parental problem, bad association or friends, and modeling of attitude are the external factors. Juvenile delinquency happen because of juvenile can not reach their identity. The other cases are family or parental problem, divorce, lack of communication between parent and children, family dispute, or too spoiled. The wrong association or friends also can cause juvenile delinquency because association influences juvenile so much.
Juvenile delinquency causes many effects for human life both for individual and another. Juvenile delinquency will impact to juvenile itself, if it is not handled, they will grow with a bad attitude, expelled by many people, and it can make stress or depression and also make dim future for them. Beside that, for the family and the other, they will be ashamed and cases crime.
What have to do to avoid and overcome juvenile delinquency? There are at least two ways. First, family especially parent have to give more good motivation to their child, give more religion view and understanding, and keep a good relation between parent and children. Parent should keep watching what the children do and interest, not as their spy, but parent have to watch and pay attention where their children go, with whom, and what they are doing. Parental control can avoid the juvenile delinquency. Second, the self defense is the most important. Juvenile has to have strong defense and filter of the things that come from outside. They also have to be more selective in making friend. If they had been involved in juvenile delinquency, the police role is expected. Police have to give the punishment depend on their crimes.
In conclusion, since there are many factors that cause juvenile delinquency either internal factors or external ones, so what we have to do is to minimize those factors in order to the bad effect of juvenile delinquency can be reduced as well.
Data IDU Tahun 2007
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juvenile_delinquency [accessed at 25 February 2012]
http://www.aborsi.org/statistik.htm [accessed at 8 March 2012]
http://www.republika.co.id/berita/regional/nusantara/12/02/27/m01rhe-polisi-memburu-30-anggota-geng-motor-anarkis [accessed at 8 March 2012]
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