Dehydration (by 1st Group)

Ririn Suriptianingsih  1209204106, Siti Nurjanah 1209204121, Teny Riantika 1209204131, Thia Sholihah 1209204132, Kahfi Bahrul Ulum 208203680
Dehydration is a condition that occurs when the loss of body fluids, mostly water, exceeds the amount that is taken in. That condition closely relate with our daily life. We do not often realize about that condition because we may be too busy on our activities. It may become serious problems. Why is dehydration such a great problems for us? These are several reasons for it. We will explain more about the reason of dehydration in this writing.
As we know that dehydration happen because there is too much water lost, not enough water taken in, or most often a combination of the two. Here, many conditions may cause rapid and continued fluid losses and lead to dehydration:

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Teachers as Curriculum Leaders (by 9th Group)

Rida Kurniawan (1209204099), Riyadh Ahsanul A (1209204108), Rusli M.I (1209204112), Samsul Ramli (1209204113), Vera Irawati Latifah (1209204136)
Teachers as Curriculum Leaders
            For the purpose of this assignment, the syllabus under consideration is the mathematics syllabus and the outcome that is to be discussed shall be the level 3 outcome for topic N 3.2. This outcome shall take in consideration the students’ ability to add and subtract numbers that are either whole or in fraction. This is related to a problem solving scenario where the students are not just given the numbers to work on but they are given a word problem that they would have to interpret and then solve in order to understand how the rules of addition and subtraction would work in the real life situations. This paper shall take a look at this outcome in terms of the various conceptions of the curriculum that Eisner and Vallance have laid out in their paper entitled “Five Conceptions of Curriculum: Their Roots and Implications for Curriculum Planning.” Keeping this in mind, it is vital for us to understand that even though it is the children that present us with the

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Violence at High School Degree (by 8th Group)

Sumardi (1209 204 128), Susan Nur Aqidah (1209 204 129), Uni Filarika (1209 204 135), Wardah Mardiathussolihah  (1209 204 135), Risal Gantizar Gifari (206 200 587)
 Violence at High School Degree
School violence is widely held to have become a serious problem in recent decades in many countries. Violence can happen anywhere especially in education institution. As we know that violence is part of schools day. We have to know how to anticipate, because it can affect for themselves. Cheating during examination, engage in gang fight, and bullying to junior class are examples of many violence which happened at high school. The purposes of this writing to limit violence action particularly at school degree and can create good attitude for student in education institution and society life.
One types of violence at high school is cheating. The most common type of cheating for student is looking at another student’s paper during an examination. Some students will bring to cheat sheets, which

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The controversy of scientific journal as one of requirement of graduation (by 6th Group)

Sari Wulandari  12092041414, Shadam Hussaeni 1209204115, Siti D. Rahmi 1209204117, Sri Endah Oktaviani 1209204125, Weni Warohmah 1209204140
 The controversy of scientific journal as one of requirement of graduation
Student should make a thesis before they graduate from college; it is a main requirement of graduation. In recent time the minister of education, Muhamad Nuh stated that student who studies at college or university should make a paper and it should be published at scientific journal as a new requirement of graduation. This new policy attracts most educators’ attention; there were some opinion about it either agreement or disagreement.
Kemendiknas (ministry of education) published circular letter (Surat Edaran) No 152/E/T/2012 (27 of January, 2012), it informed all universities that there was a new policy as a new requirement of graduation.

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Pirated or Original Books (by 3rd Group)

Siti Maryam    1209204120 Rima Nabilah Nuzula 1209204103 Retno Widiati 1209204098 Rieska Utamy P. 1209204101 Yeti Maryati 1209204143
Pirated or Original Books
Book is one of major property for student to support learning process. However, piracy of books is getting worse and worse. As the piracy of book is spreading out, the student gets dilemma to choose pirated or original books. Actually, using the pirated books is normal for most of the student. There are a lot of reasons why most of student using pirated books. The question arising from this case are, is it good or bad? Is there any solution for student to get course resources without using pirated books? This essay will reveal the reason why student tends to choose pirated books rather than the original one. Therefore, it is important to find out the problem backgrounds and the solution for students regarding their use of pirated books.

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Dyslexia as a Barrier for Children Language Acquisition (by 5th Group)

-          Rina Hernawati     (1209204104)  - Rosi Handayani (1209204110)
-          Rina Khairunnisa (1209204105) - Ulfa Nuraeni  (1209204133)
-          Risa Nurul Syahbani (1209204107)
Dyslexia as a Barrier for Children Language Acquisition
Are your children really poor when they are reading or writing? Be cautious he/she maybe suffers dyslexia. Dyslexia is a syndrome caused by brain disorder particularly in left part of neurological language (Understanding Dyslexia, 2009). It was identified first by Oswald Berkhan in 1881 and term dyslexia began to be used in 1889 by Rudolf Berlin.   Dyslexia is considered as a specific learning disability that affect directly to the ability of literacy such as reading and writing skill. However, dyslexia is not caused by intelligence factor rather than brain injury.  It does not mean that dyslexics are stupid or they have low intelligence instead of having problem in their brain. It is proven that there are some famous scientists such as Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison had ever suffered dyslexia. Concerning it, dyslexia can block children language acquisition as a basic of other knowledge acquisition if it is not treated.

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-Siti Hardianti Rukmana 1209204119 -Sri Hartati 1209204126 -Vivi Novitasari 1209204138 -Zakiyah 1209204144 -Zia Arija1209 204 145
Juvenile are they who age 13-18 years old. They passed the childhood, but have not been adult yet. On the other hand, juvenile is the transition term between childhood and adult. At that time, they often undergo many experiences both good and bad. According to Wikipedia, juvenile delinquency, also known as juvenile offending or youth crime, is participation in illegal behavior by minors (juveniles) who fall under a statutory age limit. Most legal systems prescribe specific procedures for dealing with juveniles, such as juvenile detention centers, and courts. A juvenile delinquent is a person who is typically under the age of 18 and commits an act that considering as a crime. Because the world of juvenile is interesting and important, this paper will discuss about the causes and the effects of juvenile delinquencies around us.

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-Romi Murdiana 1209204109 -Suchi Sugiarthi 1209204127 -Siti Darojah Isnaeni 1209204118 -Ulfa Zakiah F 1209204134 -Siti Syarifah A  1209204123
Euthanasia is not a new thing in our life because it has been practiced since the middle of 1800’s in Europe. Further, it has been done in many countries, including in Asia, euthanasia had been practiced in Japan twice in 1962 (passive euthanasia) and 1995 (active euthanasia). Then, in several countries euthanasia has been legalized. The one of evidences is since 1997 Oregon has permitted a terminal patient explicitly to end his life by legalized law of Oregon Death with Dignity Act. Of course, that emerge pro and contra among physicians. Even, a survey in the United States of more than 10,000 physicians came to the result that approximately 46% of physicians agree that physician-assisted suicide should be allowed in some cases; 41% do not, and the remaining 14% think it depends.

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Siti Pitriyah (1209204122), Siti Wiwi Rachmah (1209204124), Tati Nurhasanah (1209204130),
Yayat Nurhayati (1209204141), Yesi Trisna Mariyana (1209204142)
Lecturer: Predari Siswayani, M.Pd.

Cell-phone is a device that can connect us with telephone calls or messages over the radio link. Almost people in the world use cell-phone to communicate with the others, as noticed in one data, the number of cell phone users has increased rapidly. As in 2010, there were more than 303 million subscribers of cell phone service in the United States, according to the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association. This is a nearly threefold increase from the 110 million users in 2000. Globally, the number of cell phone subscriptions is estimated by the International Telecommunications Union to be 5 billion.

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